
Hui Li

Time:2021-11-26 15:06   Click:   Print

Professor Hui Li, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, a professor and doctoral supervisor at Harbin Institute of Technology, the head of the National Natural Science Foundation Innovation Group, and a national high-level talent. She has been engaged in bridge safety monitoring research for a long time, proposed the academic idea of integrating the physical laws of bridge mechanics with big data machine learning, and created the physical machine learning theory of bridge safety diagnosis. She was the chairman of the International Association for Structural Control and Monitoring (IASCM), and is currently the chairman of the Asia-Pacific Network of Research Centers for Smart Structure Technology (ANCRiSST), the vice chairman of the Chinese Society of Vibration Engineering, the deputy editor-in-chief or editorial board member of international journals such as Structural Health Monitoring, and the chairman of several international conferences such as the World Congress on Structural Control and Monitoring (WCSCM). She has won four second prizes in the National Science and Technology Progress Award, the George W. Housner Medal and the Robert H. Scanlan Medal of the American Society of Civil Engineers, and the 2015 International Structural Health Monitoring Person of the Year Award. She has published more than 200 SCI papers in journals such as Nature and Science.

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